Begin At The End
Once you have your last will and testament completed and ready, then your mind is clear to think about the remaining years. Just like those who have gone on before, you hope for as many years in this earth age as the Lord will bless you with, knowing full well that the days will eventually come to an end.
So what will be your legacy? What is the legacy of your ancestors at this time. You are the legacy of your forefathers. Are you something they would be proud of? Are they something that their forefathers would be proud of?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
So I'm going to try to get mine done. Nothing spectacular. Nothing unusual. Nothing uncommon. Something that every man will either end up doing or risk having what little money that he does manage to hang on to, to pass down to his kids, might end up in probate court and get stolen by the communists.
It's just a prudent thing to do like balancing your checkbook and making sure your bills are paid and your savings and investment and checking accounts are up to snuff and in good order and good standing and good credit.
Basics and fundamentals of living in today's money centered society but be centered around the Lord Jesus Christ through it all because the money part will end when your earth age days end but the Lord Jesus Christ will remain forever. Quite an interesting thought and one that has been around forever. I need to get back to my John Bunyan book The Pilgrim's Progress. I need to make some more progress in that area.
Now then, talking to myself here, get your books in order, get your last will and testament finalized and put away in it's permanent resting place, have it ready for easy changes and updates and additions and subtractions although I think I will never have any subtractions but perhaps only shifting of some percentages as the years go by and perhaps others could enter the picture that I would like to leave some money to when I put in my address change notification.
And I'm blessed to have a few thousand dollars at 60 years of age and I would like to preserve the small sum and know that it will be going to somebody else when I pass as it was blessed to me in the same like manner and there are those in this world who have nothing, who are living on the street in the cold, defacating and urinating right there on the street, which will be the first priority of Ron Desantis should the Bush dynasty manage to get him into the oval office.
So I say to me, get your affairs in order, get all your filing and paperwork done, get your house in order, do your laundry, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, get the house cleaned up and in good order, check your clothes, take anything that has not been worn in over 15 years to the Goodwill, pair down the inventory, get new anything that you need to run the business, go look at that leather recliner at Haverty's, be thinking about another bookcase, get Merle Haggard hat in the mail, get Walden book in the mail (1939), get ready to start collecting and selling old books on a spotify store, that will be on your secure web server through for starters, and work with them regarding a mirror site to make for and indestructible massive and masterful defensive postion online and in real life that will take me to the passage and will be here for the taking of my designated heirs.
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