Well, it's day two of this blog. It would be interesting to read George Washington's blog. Of course he didn't have the internet or a blog. But if he had, I would like to read it. From George Washington's Last Will and Testament, July 9, 1799 Fourth Actuated by the principal already mentioned, I give and bequeath to George Washington Parke Custis, the Grandson of my wife, and my Ward, and to his heirs, the tract I hold on four mile run in the vicinity of Alexandria, containing one thousd two hundred acres, more or less, & my entire Square, number twenty one, in the City of Washington. I can just click on a button and make a group of words be italicized. Ben Franklin would have killed for such a machine. That little bit of land that Granpa George left for little Georgie is worth more today than anybody could have possibly imagined back then but I'm sure Mr. Washington knew of its value in the day. Google richest people in America 1700's and you'll fin...