
Showing posts from June, 2023

Study The Word

Study the word.  Pay the IRS and the tax man.  Those are the two guys you want to watch out for.  The biggest of all the criminal gangs and broken down into smaller fiefdoms throughout the land.  But I thank God that I do live in these united States of America and I pray to Jesus that I can be one of the one's who helps to spread his gospel here in this earth age. Now then, time for some Merle Haggard.  Have a great evening!

I just posted this on Facebook.

George Washington had two versions of wills. On the eve of his death on December 14, 1799, the gravely ill George Washington asked his wife, Martha, to bring him the two versions of his will. After reviewing them, he had one thrown in the fire and asked her to safeguard the other. Dave Ramsey says it's important. But just because it's important doesn't mean it's hard. Dave says you can create your will in 20 minutes online. You'll get a state-specific, legally binding will and financial & health power of attorney. Dave's asking $159. Lots of good looking package deals are out there. Some people may spend a thousand or more. Others maybe tens of thousands. One place says it's free. I'd like to see Sam Walton's last will and testament. And to my grandson Jim, I bequeath one hundred million dollars. Uncle Dave says it can be a blessing or a curse and I think he's right. George Washington Parke Custis didn'...

Begin At The End

Once you have your last will and testament completed and ready, then your mind is clear to think about the remaining years.  Just like those who have gone on before, you hope for as many years in this earth age as the Lord will bless you with, knowing full well that the days will eventually come to an end. So what will be your legacy?  What is the legacy of your ancestors at this time.  You are the legacy of your forefathers.  Are you something they would be proud of?  Are they something that their forefathers would be proud of?  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So I'm going to try to get mine done.  Nothing spectacular.  Nothing unusual.  Nothing uncommon. Something that every man will either end up doing or risk having what little money that he does manage to hang on to, to pass down to his kids, might end up in probate court and get stolen by the communists. It's just a  prudent thing to ...

The Global Village

I would say step one would be to find a place to host all of my computer operations and then move towards a one hundred percent online business.  The most critical aspect being file backup as your files basically now are your money and your money is what you want to pass on to your heirs.  If you have been a good steward of your money, you will have some money to pass on to your heirs. Now how much money you pass on probably really doesn't matter.  That's why I like Dave Ramsey.  He gets down on the level of the average person. He talks to people who have lots of credit card debt and very little income.  Those are the salt of the earth people and the backbone of this country.  And actually the backbone of this entire world.  Good folks who want to make an honest living.  Good law abiding folks who don't mind putting in a good solid forty hour work week for a reasonable living wage.  And the better the wage for working the better for the count...

Day 2

Well, it's day two of this blog.  It would be interesting to read George Washington's blog.  Of course he didn't have the internet or a blog.  But if he had, I would like to read it. From George Washington's Last Will and Testament, July 9, 1799 Fourth Actuated by the principal already mentioned, I give and bequeath to George Washington Parke Custis, the Grandson of my wife, and my Ward, and to his heirs, the tract I hold on four mile run in the vicinity of Alexandria, containing one thousd two hundred acres, more or less, & my entire Square, number twenty one, in the City of Washington. I can just click on a button and make a group of words be italicized.  Ben Franklin would have killed for such a machine. That little bit of land that Granpa George left for little Georgie is worth more today than anybody could have possibly imagined back then but I'm sure Mr. Washington knew of its value in the day. Google richest people in America 1700's and you'll fin...

George Washington

So George Washington had a will.  I think this must have been one of the first wills ever executed in the united States of America.  He started his out like this. In the name of God amen I George Washington of Mount Vernon a citizen of the United States, and lately President of the same, do make, ordain and declare this Instrument; which is written with my own hand and every page thereof subscribed with my name, to be my last Will & Testament, revoking all others.  I have started my initial draft with the same verbiage. In the name of God amen I Doug Kenline of 11804 Breton Ct. #32 citizen of the United States, and Commonwealth of Virginia, do make, ordain and declare this Instrument; which is written with my own hand and every page thereof subscribed with my name, to be my last Will & Testament, revoking all others. Washington ended his like this. In witness of all, and of each of the things herein contained, I have set my hand and Seal, this ninth day of July, i...

First Post

Turning 60 years of age will cause a man to begin to think about his mortality.  Watching one's parents get old and die helps to initiate the process.  My grandparents passing came and went in the middle of overriding dreams of fame and fortune.  I guess drugs, sex, and rock and roll would pretty much sum them up.  Society wants to take young men and ruin them as fast as it can.  Or at least certain parts of society.  There is also society that wants to take young men and raise them up to be great statesmen and patriots who stand for freedom and liberty and the preceps of the united States Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. Men who are educated in this manner will less likely be taken into captivity by satan.  Of course the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom and 60 years of living have knocked me back to my senses and I believe in God the father, Jesus Christ his only begotten son, the holy spirit, and the li...