I just posted this on Facebook.

George Washington had two versions of wills. On the eve of his death on December 14, 1799, the gravely ill George Washington asked his wife, Martha, to bring him the two versions of his will. After reviewing them, he had one thrown in the fire and asked her to safeguard the other.

Dave Ramsey says it's important. But just because it's important doesn't mean it's hard. Dave says you can create your will in 20 minutes online. You'll get a state-specific, legally binding will and financial & health power of attorney. Dave's asking $159. Lots of good looking package deals are out there. Some people may spend a thousand or more. Others maybe tens of thousands. One place says it's free.
I'd like to see Sam Walton's last will and testament. And to my grandson Jim, I bequeath one hundred million dollars. Uncle Dave says it can be a blessing or a curse and I think he's right.
George Washington Parke Custis didn't have much to worry about other than the Yankees. To George Washington Parke Custis, the Grandson of my wife, and my Ward, and to his heirs, I give and bequeath the tract I hold on four mile run in the vicinity of Alexandria, containing one thousand two hundred acres, more or less, and my entire Square, number twenty one, in the City of Washington.
Several versions eventually widdled down to a couple, and then one thrown into the fire leaving only one. And there can be only one will. Once you're dead. Once you're dead the lawyers will ask one question, let me see the will. Well he had a couple of them and or possibly three or more. Cousin Jim says he's got one in his hands that says he gets a big chunk. Says grandad signed it and everything.

I like to write and I like to publish on the web. There are millions who do, and millions I suppose who do not do much writing and publishing to the web, but rather do more reading and private thinking. Taking private action. Of course privacy is a major concern when it comes to your net worth and cash flow statements. Dave Ramsey says be out of debt and work through baby step 7. That's really all you need to know. Then put whatever you got left over into good solid mutual funds and if you're still working, use that 401k up to the match, and maybe get a Roth IRA going on the side.

Jake the Asshole on YouTube is working his plan. The Inspirational Nomad is working his. Everybody is working their own plan and we're all heading for a six foot hole. The best way to hide something from somebody is to put it in writing. I'm trying to figure out how to share a whiteboard on here.

I think whiteboards could be used to solve all of the world's problems. Of course we never will. The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. Jesus is the answer.


The thing now is bitcoin eh?  Got these gearheads sayin' to buy bitcoin.  Been sayin' it for years.  I think I had like more than one whole bitcoin maybe two or three and possibly several bitcoin like way way back in the day.  Back in the Mount Gox day.

So yea, I can't say I'd be rich now if I had just held on to my bitcoin.  Yea maybe if I had known about cold storage and had a bitcoin wallet and kept it all offline maybe I would be rich today.  $60,000 per bitcoin?  Well maybe not J. Paul Getty rich but that would be a big chunk of change.  And then it's like hell it's just going to sit there the same as gold.  And Dave Ramsey says gold is a terrible investment.  Dave says the Central Bank is not going to collapse.

But as shown on my whiteboard drawing above, my immediate plan is local cold storage of bitcoin right in conjunction with the local cold storage of all of my computer files, and photos and videos from my iphone.  That's a lot of shit.  I'm working with Brett at work regarding getting me a good NAS setup.  Network Attached Storage.  Goes hand in hand with Storage Area Networks and 400 Gbps dumb pipes.

I  remember when a DS3 used to go for $45,000 per month.  I wonder what I could get me a  400 Gbps circuit for today.  What more could any company want other than internet access?  Dave Schaeffer says the only network that matters is the internet.  I think he's right.


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